“Knowing How To Do  The Quality Control Process and Step Helps Minimize Defects and Product Refinement”

Every project needs a quality control process and steps to meet the quality standard that the first company wants to achieve. Each step is based on the previous step; we can’t go to the next level without finishing the previous one. Quality control is one of the crucial tasks in RPS to provide quality content. RPS will sequentially do the requirement analysis, test planning, test case development, and test execution for quality control. We’ve summed up the quality control steps detail that RPS usually use:

Requirement Analysis

Requirement Analysis is the first and crucial step in the quality control process. The team needs to understand the requirement that is required in testing and figuring out the suitable testing software/device. The quality control team will then communicate with everyone involves in the product (customer, project owner, stakeholders, and development team) if there are any further information needed.

From the beginning, the quality control team helps to prevent potential defects in the software under a test. The requirements analysis helps you to know the standard needed for the software that can either be functional or non-functional like security testing.

These are the activities and deliverables that need to be done:


  • Identify the types of test
  • Prepare requirement matrix
  • Prepare the list of question from everyone involves
  • Define testing focus and priorities


  • Result of the requirement matrix
  • List of answers to be resolved
  • Automation feasibility report (if applicable)

Test Planning

The test planning can start once the requirement gathering stage is done. Test planning can also be called as a test strategy stage. In this stage, the test manager needs to complete the process and cost estimates for the entire project. The result of this stage will be a test plan. Once the test planning phase is completed, the quality control team can continue with the test cases development stage.

These are the activities and deliverables that need to be done:


  • Define the objective and scope of the project
  • Preparation of test plan or test strategy  document for testing
  • Test tool selection
  • Training requirement
  • Determining roles and responsibilities


  • Test plan or test strategy document
  • Testing effort estimation document (time and cost)

Test Case Development

This stage involves the creation, verification, and refinement of the test cases. The testing team needs to write down the specific test cases, along with the testing and data. Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) is prepared for tracking requirements where each test case is mapped with the requirement. RTM help the testing team track their progress backwards and forward.

These are the activities and deliverables that need to be done:


  • Preparation of test cases
  • Development of test automation scripts
  • Create test data
  • Review test cases and scripts


  • Test cases
  • Test data
  • Test automation scripts

Test Execution

The testing team will now carry out the testing based on the test plans and the test cases that already been done. If there is any defect in any test, then such a test can be marked as blocked. In this stage, there will be bugs that are reported back to the development team for correction, and retesting will be done. Once the defects are fixed, any further blocked or failure test cases can be executed again to retest the functionality.

These are the activities and deliverables that need to be done:


  • Execute tests as per plan
  • Document the test result and defect
  • Identify the defect
  • Retest the defect fixes
  • Track any further defects


  • Test case execution report
  • Defect report


At the end of the testing session, the testing team will meet to discuss and analyze their testing artefacts to identify strategies for future implementation. Testing is not hard if you know in detail what you should do. Knowing the step-by-step guidance on quality control helps you and your team create a better product with a minimum number of the defect. The process/step above help you identify the needed action and deliverables in every stage of quality control. Happy testing!

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