“Remote Team Become Staples For Companies Globally”

There is a way to improve workplace morale and productivity while at the same time cutting costs. It’s simpler than you think: tell your employees to stay home.  It has become undoubtedly happening that today’s workplace is more global and virtual. More people are working remotely. According to a study by Global Workplace Analytics, approximately 20% to 25% of the workforce teleworks or at least doing a part-time. Advancing to that study, it also shows that 80% to 90% of workers say that they would like to do so.

While there might be some of your business/startups owner that are sceptical, there is a study done by Inc. that will give you some good news. They show that remote teamwork is just as hard, if not harder than, their worksite counterparts. A remote team are almost twice as likely to work beyond 40 hours a week and tend to be 20% more productive when they get to tackle creative projects remotely.

A remote team can be an option for new business/startups, but still, there is no such thing as a definite way to run a business/startups. This article will give you the right idea to help you know more about having a remote team. As good as it may sound, you should be at first consider the pros and cons of a remote team :

The Pros of Remote Team

1.  Increased Productivity

A 2-year Stanford Study shows that proves a significant productivity boost among the remote team, while the turnover rate was decreased by 50%. A remote team will most likely to feel more comfortable as they can organize their work to their liking as long as they finish the task given. They can have more quality time with their loved ones or do anything in their favour first, which will improve the work-life balance while at the same time will reduce their stress levels.

2. Reduce Expenses

By having a remote team, an obvious expense that will be reduced by the business/startups is space. Without needing for the employee to come to a physical office, company can save space and money. U.S. Dell decides to expand their telecommuting and remote work options, and as a result, the data shows that Dell saved $12 million in a year in office space costs. Employee or the remote team member will experience a significant reduction for commuting expenses. Aside from commuting cost, remote team employee can also save their time and energy. It is now clear that having a remote team can reduce both the business/startups owner and employee expenses.

3. Access to a Huge Talent Pool

A remote team enables the business/startups to hire people to a wider area. You can have the best people for the job nationally and even internationally. This will increase the probability for your business/startups to new fresh ideas and quality. Many diversity will allow many more experiences to enter business/startups. The truth is Digital nomads with expertise are unwilling to be tied to a particular location, moreover an office.

The Cons of Remote Team

1. Management and Communication Issues

There can’t be a tool that can entirely replace spontaneous communication that allows you to talk face-to-face. That’s why a good relationship between the remote team is vital. Another vital key to handle a remote team is an ability to explain matters through words so that everyone has the same understanding of the information.

2. Distractions

Although a remote team won’t have to attend interruptions like in the office such as meetings, they will also be most likely to have other kinds of distractions. Some people might need supervision to aces their work, and this can be a struggle for a remote team. Being at home during working hours might tempt people to do other things; dishes, check up their phone, watching movies, etc.. A strict self-discipline is needed to solve this problem.

3. Little Recognition

A study shows that despite all the benefits, 79% of people quit their jobs because of a lack of appreciation. Employees are more motivated when they get recognition than to have a raise. Having a remote team that’s lack of face-to-face meeting will have a hard time showing appreciation. Thankfully this is now not really an issue since we can pretty much connects with anyone regardless of location thanks to the efficiency of video conferencing software nowadays.


Having a remote team will have difficulties that differ from having a team in an office. That’s also why a different approach to handle the problems is also needed. Again, there’s no such thing as a definite management way that will guarantee you to succeed. The vital thing to be put in mind is that you need to evaluate if having a remote team is the right fit for your business/startups. If it is, get out there and start hiring!

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