Take a leap of faith

This is the 4th sprint (4th week of August 2019) of our digital product design and development journey. Glass octopus is our journal of how we design and develop our digital product, as transparent as we can. We hope our story helps you in your startup journey, and as a message to all digital entrepreneur that you’re not alone in your journey.

Take a leap of faith

How do you know that your business plan will work? You won’t. You just have to plan the best that you can and take a leap of faith. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do research your market and do your homework. In fact, that should be the first thing that you do: validate your ideas. For the last two weeks, we test our ideas to our friends and business colleagues and found positive feedback of it. This is good enough for us to start and launch the nearest milestone before we check and readjust.

Aurora Assa

If I can summaries my progress in the office in the last two weeks will be "It was beyond belief." Even though some of it still queued up to finish, at least I already finish the repetitive part, creating the template.

Three weeks left for me to finish courses flow & script, I don't know I can make it or not but will put my best to finish all of it. And all I have to do is stay focused.

Editor’s note: the template Aurora talking about 👆🏼 is the template to create digital business from scratch. The templates are one of many components in our final product/services. We’ll be telling more of it on our website.

Diny Octavia

Making high-quality articles is quite difficult. If we really want to share something interesting with the community, we should, at least having professionalism, trustworthiness and emphasize accuracy and quality of the writings we put on company blogs.

It'd be hard if we want to achieve both: quantity and quality, especially when we have limit resources and time. I face it all this week; double-checking and highlighting the false one. I feel overwhelmed once I realized that some of the writers don't even follow the instructions and the rules that I gave to them. Also, I found out that my email was marked as spam by Gmail. As a result, the writer was missing her deadlines.

Ok, but I learned to be more thorough and pay attention to things that were not seen before. Not savvy enough yet, so far far away even from being relevant, but one day I believe I will astonishing, astonishing at last! #Affirmation

Hendri Augustine Sugiarto

The last two weeks are amazing! For starter, I asked some of my friends for feedback of our progress and they have been really really helpful. They’re the expert on digital marketing slash communication slash business development on Singapore and Indonesia.

With their help, we have completed our core message and value. This will be the base of every action that we do. Besides that, I can see that Diny is slowly accustomed to the high standards of written communication (which I am thrilled), and Aurora has almost perfectly completed the Operation flow. This will helps me in the long run or anytime I am anxious of whether this will work or not.

It will works, I just to put constant effort in it and focused on where we want to go. 39 days left, and one way or another, we will make it.

If this helps you in any way, you might want to follow our newsletter where we post things about product creation and our journey on it.