Optimizing your brand engagement creatively

A Good Brand Engagement Shows How Good You Can Manage Your Audience.

Having good brand management for your business is a tricky thing to do, every business needs it but doesn’t really know how to maximize their brand engagement creatively. Brand engagement is about encouraging your customer to interact and share in the experiences you create for them as a business and a brand, not only for gaining more customers but also to gain loyal customers. There are many ways to apply brand engagement into your brand that we will learn together, in this article we’ve summed up some creative ideas to boost your brand engagement:

1. Offer/Incentive

Marketing offer itself is a free product or service of value you give to the customer in exchange for them completing a call to action. For examples: a user-specific offer, it is when you make an offer to a specific person or group of people; group buying/offer, it is when a company provides discounts for various services and products to attract customers, voucher and coupon, free trials/try before you buy, student discounts, and many others can also be used to draw the customer's interest to our product or services that we offer. Even the smallest act can be a brand engagement, mentioning a customer can make them feel special and recognized by the brand.

2. Exclusive/Special Event

People love the VIP treatment, and some examples for this are VIP dinners and events, a community forum to build a social network, a charitable event, Gamification, recognition events where specific clients are highlighted for a significant accomplishment, A unique learning experience (like a painting class or coffee-making), a road race. These sorts of events can be applied for a more specific target market because the brand will not be inviting all customers. The events will be exclusive, and that is when the customers will feel special.

3. News

The company anniversary, new features, awards, new launching, are some of the examples for the news that a brand can make to engage with the customers. These sorts of the story also help us to be considered or recognized by our customers and help them to stay updated about our brand. News can be shared to the customers through emails, newspaper, or even social media. Reaching to the customers is not hard these days, knowing that technology has been progressing effectively. However, what we use to reaching out the customers depends on our target market. For example, if our target market is a younger generation or the Millennials, we tend to use social media like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and other online application that they usually use. Maybe our target market is housewives; we can use Facebook, TV commercials, or newspaper.

4. Poll

Polls affect uniquely for brand engagement, not only to make the customers have a connection with us; it also helps us to understand our customers. What they are like, what they want, and need. It shows that we care about our customers. A poll is more straightforward than a survey, and it is also easier for customers to answer. Usually, a poll is used to ask whether the customers are satisfied with the service or product that they have purchased from our brand or not. The first tip to make a poll for our customers is to be clear, don't make your customer guess what you mean. The second one is to be specific, to make it easier to identify things to improve. Lastly, instead of one general question will not only make your questions easier to answer for your respondents but will also make your data easier to analyse and act.

YouTube enables us to interact with our viewer (not only subscriber) using polls; it can help us show what type of video that the audience want to watch the most. Knowing what our audience want to watch the most will help us save more time by only creating the specific content wanted.


There are many other creative ways to apply brand engagement, like loyalty cards, free workshops, buy one get one free, and many others. However, make sure to base your brand engagement with your target market to make it much more effective and less spending. Knowing your target market is very important before you set your brand engagement.


