The power of the internet and online media only grow stronger in each passing year, as shown by the increasing number of online media and platforms. Many newspapers and magazines now have an online publication, both as a new media or as a way to archive older issues. The flexibility of digital media becomes the benefits that everybody can reach it without any efforts.
Online business is also a new trend: a lot of business now have at least a website, while some choose to advertise their products in online shops. Because, why not? Most of the Brand or company, of course, will advertise their product in a place where their targeted audiences are gathered. Based on Global Digital Report by Hootsuite and WeAreSocial, more than 60% of the population in Indonesia are gathered on digital media.
Another thing is the enhancement of the users keep happening every year. Social media is the best weapon here. Indonesia is in 4th position when we talk about the number of Facebook user in the world, while Jakarta is the capital city of Twitter since 2012. Those things help brand and company to remarket their product the new level of marketing.
Our life is already shifting to be more modern, and of course, easier than before. It is also supported by the movement of digital media itself that is being improved time by time, meaning we need to pay more attention to any changes in digital media. Thus, we can use this improvement to get more benefits, especially to improve our business.
How Information Transmitted: Now and Then

“Transmitting information now can be done in milliseconds, with seemingly no regional limitations”
There was a time when people ride across the city to deliver letters and spread information about things. Then came the telegraph, and then telephone, which can transmit messages in a matter of seconds. Radio was invented, and suddenly a voice can travel a thousand miles, to millions of ears. Television raised the stakes, bringing both sounds and colors to people at global scale. Such achievements of humanity are dwarfed by the appearance of internet. The scope, influence, and ease of access of internet are unrivaled by the media of the past. Sure, internet started as a military-only information channel. But, by the time it reached the mass, our world changes as a whole. Transmitting information now can be done in milliseconds, with seemingly no regional limitations; the wave of knowledge spreads to the rich and the poor equally; conducting many human’s needs, ranging from ordering cabs to doing business meeting is much easier.
Then, is the older forms of media becoming useless? The answer is: no. Both the old and the new media are equally influential. Both serve a different purpose, although they may overlap each other, and are important to the same degree and in the same manner. Television and radio are good to spread education and entertainment to people at home with their family, while online media may be useful to those who are traveling and have less time to spend focusing on screens or speakers. Meanwhile, newspaper and magazines share news, articles, and other forms of literature in form of physical paper, while online media gives an easier access to those things in forms of “digital” paper. All of those media have their own strong points, and best work in conjunction, where one media supports the others.
Moreover, if we take a look at the bigger business point of view, we can put all those old methods or offline things aside. The combination of the old method and the new ones, which is digital media, can make a complex nation. In one hand, we still need to face-to-face with the clients or even exchange the business card one to another, to create a real relationship. On the other hand, digital media can boost your business’ existence by spreading the awareness to your new targeted audiences.
The Future Is In The Horizon

We live in the era of an information-based economy, also known as the Information Age or the Digital Revolution: it means that information is an important capital that will help us in our future endeavors. There are currently 2,32 billion users of smartphone globally. We live in a time when almost everyone, from the youngsters to the elderly, has a phone with internet connection. You can see your grandfather browsing videos about Kpop, and at the same time, your 8-year-old brother browses an article on philosophy.
Content creator in online media is almost limitless, and will always grow in number. Free services such as blogs and video sites like YouTube help this trend: now everyone can write what they want, record what they wish, and share it all to the world (and if you are smart and resourceful, you will gain some income!).
Content creator in online media is almost limitless, and will always grow in number. Free services such as blogs and video sites like YouTube help this trend: now everyone can write what they want, record what they wish, and share it all to the world (and if you are smart and resourceful, you will gain some income!).Influencers gain money by persuading their followers to buy things or use services, while famous online accounts can share their thoughts about everything. Jobs that are not available in the past now become a new way to gain money.
From online writers to social media analyzer, every sort of unthinkable occupations now are available. There are jobs to operate famous people’s social media. In other words: you got paid by tweeting or posting Instagram feeds! How neat is that? Being viral is a very strong point to maintain business. Since people is now almost always online, it is important to keep your online presence strong. By doing online advertisements or giving interesting promotions, you will keep your business afloat.
Communication with potential customers and recurring customers is also a good way to keep them coming back, since people don’t know who you are, and you have to show them by keeping business ethics high. This is the new way of doing business, and those who are interested in keeping their cash flows may do those things.
To sum it up, it is important to say that in a few more years, many new media will probably emerge from the ashes of the old. Yet, thinking about those new ways is always an interesting thought. Who knows, probably in a few years we will see interactive billboard or news with augmented-reality as we see in science fiction movies.
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