Daily scrum meeting practices

“A Daily Scrum Meeting Helps Your Scrum Team Target Their Work That Aligns With The Sprint Goal.”

A daily Scrum meeting help to keep the whole team focused on the sprint goals – showing who’s doing what. It does not matter whether the team is in the office or being remote; it would have to be done at the same time. Without the daily scrum meeting, everyone in the organization or business will be aimless. The meetings keep the team on the same page on a personal and business level. In this article, we will discuss further daily Scrum; what is it, the purpose of daily Scrum, the participant of the daily Scrum, the duration, and the agenda of the meeting.

What is Daily Scrum

Daily Scrum is a 15-minute time-boxed event for the development team to synchronize activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours. The meeting is typically held on time in the morning (usually 9 a.m.). Due to the growth of technology, holding a meeting online is now possible where you don’t have to have everyone at the same place. Daily Scrum is held every day to optimizes team collaboration and performance by analyzing the work progress.

The Purpose of Daily Scrum

Every Daily Scrum provides the same purpose: to let every team members keep each other up to date without spending a lot of hours in meetings or having to write and read piles of status report. Everyone needs to keep an update on their work and share it with other departments. The meeting focus on the current situation, problem, and the solution that can solve the problem. After the meeting, everyone should understand other department progress, what will every one do today, what are the obstacles and how to manage it.

The Participant of the Daily Scrum

The project needs everyone in the team to involves. There should be the team (developer and tester) to explain the current project progress and inform the detail information to the team. The Scrum Master ensures that the development and testing team has the meeting, but they also work as a facilitator for the daily Scrum. Scrum Master has to keep the meeting on schedule and keeping the time frame limited to be more productive. The product owner and stakeholder can be present at the meeting, but their authorities are limited, so they do not disrupt the meeting.

Duration Of Scrum Meeting

The duration of the daily scrum meeting is usually 15 to 20 minutes and held every morning. Everyone typically starts their work at 9 a.m., and that is the time recommendation from RPS. But again, every organization and business have their unique way of management. Find the best time to start within the 15 to 20 minutes time-frame to maximize the performance of the team.

Agenda of Meeting

  • What Did I Accomplish Yesterday

Scrum is teamwork; keeping everyone informed with what you accomplished yesterday helps everyone in the team to act accordingly. It doesn’t matter whether you fail or succeed; having everyone know still is the most important thing to do. Knowing your difficulties in the work will let you open up for an opportunity to assist and make your work better.

  • Today’s Plan

Do you have anything that you should do today? Have you finished your work assign for the sprint? Explain to everyone in the meeting in detail to create harmony in the workflow. Having additional work after the meeting that you should do should also clarify between the team member so there will be one that is left out.

  • Difficulties or Obstacles Encountered

What are your obstacles during the sprint?. Instead of covering it up and try to do things alone by yourself, explain and discuss the current barriers that you face. Addressing the obstacles help you get a fresh idea to solve it and even open up for an assist from anyone in the team.


Daily scrum meeting is an effective way to ensure everyone within the Scrum team is on the same page, have a shared understanding of tasks, goals, and improves communications. Daily Scrum helps eliminate other unnecessary meetings and reading piles of the report, identify the problem, and development for problem removal. Having a regular scrum meeting is essential to have if you are working in a scrum team.

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