Creating engaging social media content

“How You Build Your Social Media Determines On How Audience Can Engage To Your Business.”

As we all should know, when it comes to building an audience, “content is king.” Beside error-free, quality content can be measured by how much engaging that content. Nowadays, there are more than two million blog posts published daily, 350 million Tweets posted a day, and 1.8 billion Google searches daily. To create engaging social media content, we must understand the definition of engaging itself. Engaging content happens when your social media is impactful and meaningful to your audience.  This is how to create engaging social media content:

Post Regularly

Consistency let your audience know that you’re serious with creating content. Posting more increase engagement and will also earn your social media more followers quickly. Aim to post your content daily. If you are running a new startup or business, keeping up with a consistent amount of quality content is crucial. If you can’t foresee being able to keep up with multiple postings a day, then it is better to do less and stay consistent. Create a decision where you and your social media team can agree on posting. Remember that quality will always exceed quantity.

Post Relevant Content

Focus on sharing relevant and helpful information to build trust. With sharing pertinent contents that are impactful and meaningful, your audience can empathize with your business. Understand that generating sells is not about you. It’s not about what you want or how you want people to discover your content or product. It’s about the people. By knowing what your audience wants, you'll be able to engage and let them trust you more. Trust equals to conversion, having your audience trust is the key here to help you to engage.

Research Relevant Blogs and Companies

You are not alone in the market; you have a competitor that has been doing what you are planning to do. Do some research that has been done by your competitor. Analyze carefully on how your competitors manage their social media and determine what content connects explicitly with the audience. Taking the idea that has been done helps you save time, but remember always to edit and wrap it to suit your business. You don’t want your business to be labeled as a follower, pour out something that initially comes from you before posting it in your business social media.

Post Competition

People psychologically loves to compete. Creating an engaging competition that your audience can relate helps in generating traffic to your business. Holding a competition is common these days, everyone in the industry from the big company to a small startup is doing it. Remember always to give an incentive to the winner of the competition. The prize also plays a massive role in your social media competition.

The competition can be as simple as a raffle, where your audience can get the prize by posting your content. But, it can also be as complicated as creating a blog post that is judged and rated. Understand your audience, and their personality can help you decide on what kind of competition you should hold.

Use Different Format of Content

Try to dig in your creativity deeper; find a different format of content. Don’t stick to only creating a text on Twitter, image on Instagram, video, or audio-only on such platform. Being creative helps you to stand out, being different from your competitors shows that you are the real deal in the industry; nevertheless, if you are only a startup. Create a text video is an excellent example that you can implement in your business. Using a different format of content helps you engage with your target market more accurately.


Content connects when it is aligned with the audience’s hopes, desires, or pain points that is relevant to their life. Create a good connection with your audience; relationship equals to trust that can end up to generate sales. Content is king in the social media world, let the customer help you to create the content. Customer feedback can boost results and a way of saying that you appreciate every criticism and suggestions.

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