3 Essential digital marketing workflow

“Run the best social media workflow to make the best company”

Social media is a crucial part of the marketing strategy. Yet running social media content can be easy to do or the other way around depends on the workflow itself. Knowing chronological workflow content will make it easier for you as a junior digital content marketer or beginner who jumps into social media marketing.

Choose The Appropriate Platform for Target Audience

Before you make a plan about the content you want to put in social media, you need to know which platform would the right one for your target audience. By making sure of the platform, you and your team will get a better understanding of any update and the context. It will also make the process of content creation easier and faster. Understanding your audience is important and will determine your ability in choosing a social media platform. For example, you will find out that Instagram is mostly being used by generation Y and Z. Instagram is great for providing content about lifestyle and product visuals.

Planning and Creating Suitable Content

Research and Planning (Est. 2 Hours)

These are two important things to do before you go further into content creation. Anything without these steps can lead to a messy situation or even failure in generating the best content quality. Set your goal and source internal and external content that matches your goals. You can outline your editorial calendar in advance afterwards. After you did all of those, you can figure out the situation in your chosen social media platform and understand what kind of content you need to make.

Creating Content Campaign (Est. 7.5 Hours)

Create content campaign for you to publish as blog posts and article on social media to promote your business digital presence. The numbers show companies that published 16 or more blogs posts per month got almost 3.5 times more traffic. They have a better situation than companies that published between 0-4 monthly blogs.

Curating Content Campaign (Est. 3 Hours)

Another important step is Curating Content campaign. You and your team need to spend 3 hours a week just to cruise the internet to find inspirational content for keeping the target audience satisfied. This will also drive you to create your own engaging and captivating content.

Sharing, Engagement & Tracking Campaign

Sharing Content (Est. 5 Hours)

The next crucial things to do are sharing or distributing your content. Every social media platform has its own market segmentation. By sharing your content in the right place, you will level-up your digital marketing game. First step you need to do in this stage is to select the content you want to share (curated or created), then choose the appropriate social network (back to the first step, you need to know the appropriate channel). After that, you can draft the post to fit the social network and your audience. The last thing is to schedule the post for the day and time that works best. All of these may need 5 hours per week of your time.

Engagement & Campaign Tracking (Est. 2.5 Hours)

You need to do customer engagement at least 2.5 hours per week. Listen to what they want to say about your brand and company. This is also a golden opportunity for your company to increase its quality in the eyes of the audience. However, statistic shows only 20% of social media comments receive a response from the company. You should not fall to the category of unresponsive company. Some bad response such as critic or complain should be handled appropriately in a timely manner. The engagement process is connected to the next step, which is keeping track of your marketing campaign. Good engagement will lead you to a good track record.

Evaluating Campaign Performance (Est 3.5 hours)

Every week your team should spend at least 3.5 hours reviewing your social analytics to discover what drove a content the top results. You need to do the review in order to understand your marketing campaign better and determine the next move. This step will allow you to keep track of every goal for every campaign you’ve made. The numbers are crucial. Research shows 76% of marketers reported that being data-centric is key to success. You can start digging by finding out where your audience was most active, what content generated the most leads, which trends your business should participate in.


Generally speaking, each social media has a different workflow. Make sure you take a look closely and carefully at the impact of any social media workflow you choose. Social media workflow is important for the improvement of your digital marketing. It expand your reach with all the mighty abilities of social media platforms.

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